It's been a long road...
Addiction recovery is a long and complicated road.
Isn't it time that you came home to a sober home that understands?
You can get your life back. Let us show you how at ACTS Recovery homes - North Austin Sober Homes
We believe each person must make an Active Commitment To Sobriety (A.C.T.S.) in order to succeed in a recovery home. Our commitment is to provide a safe, structured, sober living environment for the individual who seeks to apply a 12-Step approach to their life and wishes to gain stability and a sense of purpose by becoming a productive member of society.
We treat each resident with respect and dignity and expect the same of them. Each resident’s commitment is to remain sober, be responsible and accountable for their actions, and encourage each other to do the same. If you or a loved one are considering sober living, we invite you to consider ACTS Recovery Homes.
Our goal is to assist those in recovery transition from a group home sober living environment to living a sober life in a traditional home setting. With this goal in mind, everything we do is designed to help the resident develop habits and a sense of personal responsibility that is conducive to a lifestyle of sobriety, personal health, and community.
ACTS Recovery Homes are based on the principals of the 12- Step program. These include the tenants of the circle and the triangle:
Meetings and Fellowship
Working With Others
Working of the steps
While each of these aspects is an important part of the process, as sober homes our emphasis is on recovery. Recovery is a lifestyle commitment that is reflected in day to day activities and in relationships with others.
We transform lives, giving hope and healing to those affected by alcohol and drug addiction.
It's time to recover you life. After spending 12 years helping others on their addiction recovery journey, helping 1500 people, and opening 6 sober homes it's time to let us help you find your way. You deserve it. Our homes are a place for health and recovery. We have a warm and helpful community of people who are here to help and want to see you heal and grow.
Employment and Education Assistance
The more you know, the more you understand, the more you can grow and heal in order to stay sober.
ACTS Recovery Homes / North Austin Sober Homes
Call us at 512-497-2147
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